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By UNN E-learning
May 3, 2017 07:04PM | 6445

Need help with using the platform ?

Despite the platform being designed with ease of use in mind, we believe there will be few people having issues with certain things on the platform. Not to worry, We are here to help you out. You can always chat our support team up for help.

By UNN E-learning
May 3, 2017 06:56PM | 5509

Official platform launch

It has been several months in the making. We are happy to announce the official launch of the UNN e-learning platform coming up around May. No specific date has been fixed yet but we will notify every one when all is set.

By UNN E-learning
May 3, 2017 06:53PM | 8599

New School: Entrepreneurship School

We are happy to inform you that a new school has been added to the platform. The Entrepreneurship and skill acquisition school is host several courses geared toward preparing you in becoming an entrepreneur. These course have been carefully designed

By Michael Onugha
May 3, 2017 06:47PM | 7036

Free course : Platform navigation guide

A new course is available and it is free. This course - Platform Navigation and Course taking guide, teaches you how to use the platform. It shows you how to take courses, partake in quiz, assignments and communicate with your lecturer.

By UNN E-learning
May 3, 2017 06:41PM | 10588

The V.C: Welcome to UNN E-Learning Platform

Thank you for being part of this revolution in learning. We have created this platform to help bring learning to people who are too busy with their jobs, people who are far off from the university, people who want to build on their careers.

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